June 22nd, 2010 Posted in Personal/Website | No Comments »
Well, I think I finally have the events that will be taking place this weekend all sorted out, so here it goes:
There are two events to remember Drew happening this Saturday, June 26th, which is his birthday. This would have been his 31st birthday, same as me.

Event #1: Andy Nutts Day @ Crossfit Vancouver
June 26 @ Crossfit Vancouver (1340 East 3rd Ave., Vancouver, BC) : 11 am - late
From the horse’s mouth:
Post from June 6, 2010:
Plans for Andy Nutts Day are progressing nicely. I know many of you never met Andy. You would have loved him.
Our celebration of his life falls on his birthday, June 26th. It is going to be a hell of a day.
Andy worked tirelessly to promote Crossfit where ever he went, his contribution to the fitness of the Canadian military was especially noble. So to honor his commitment I am asking each of you to grab someone who could benefit from fitness and our community and bring them to our workout for newbies on the 26th. Make a difference!
We will be starting at 11am. The newbie you bring out will be coached on the movements, warmed up then given a number picked out of a hat. They will then have to choose their partner (can’t dance with the person who brought ya). #1 chooses first among all the veterans lined up in front of them, then #2 and so on. It will be interesting to see if new people can spot the fittest and make the right choice.
The workout will be something with simple movements and no so long or intense but will probably give your friend a good dose of the medicine. 
Winning team gets their names on the “Nutts cup”.
Then we will have the individual competition open to any member of CF Vancouver.
We will do the NUTTS hero workout. 1st place for both Men and Women get their names engraved on the cup. Second place gets a commemorative medal.
The real fun begins………LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST!
BBQ and after party.
To attend the party (best local DJ’s spinning grooves) you must bring a single person. Free drink if you bring a female. 
Andy would have loved that!!!
Get on it now!!! See you all on Saturday the 26th.
Post from June 16, 2010:
1) The format for the 2 man/woman event on the 26th of June has changed (Thank Tank, his big blue heart couldn’t stand watching someone get picked last)………We are going to spin the bottle and let Nutts decide who the teams are. 
2) Andy’s parents will be there to hand out the Nutts CUP. They are really great people, really fun and dynamic. Come out to support them in the celebration of their son’s life.
3) There is a sign up sheet in the gym: This guy died for our country, the least we can do is show respect for his life. If 7 people show up it will be a fucking travesty of all things good.
4) Intoduction to Crossfit for the newbies starts at 11am. Individual competition is at 1pm
5) BBQ kicks off at 2:30pm
6) Party is at 9pm. Bring a single friend. Free drink for both of you if it is a female.
Andy would have loved that feature. 
It is going to be a real fun upbeat day.
GIDDYUP….see you all on the 26th

Event #2: Beach & BBQ Birthday for Scott, Matt, & Drew
Saturday, June 26 @ Spanish Banks : 11 am - evening
This second event is less of a formal one, but would also have been near and dear to Drew’s heart as well. For the few years while Drew was in Vancouver, him, Matt Gustafson, and myself always tried to celebrate our birthdays together as they fell within 5 days of each other. We did this a few times in White Rock via BBQs and softball games, as well as beach BBQs featuring volleyball, cups, and a lot of good people.
This year we’re going to try and re-create that beach BBQ atmosphere in honour of Drew and all he did and was to many of us. This is the first birthday Matt and I will be celebrating in the last ~7 years when Drew wasn’t either an arm’s length or a phone call away, so we want to make sure he’s front and center in our hearts and minds while we spend time with our friends and reflect on another year gone by.
Assuming the weather is good, it should be going on all day at Spanish Banks. Look for a Canadian flag and the blue and yellow volleyball net.
I realize that there’s a bit of a conflict with two events going on, but it just means you have double the chance of remembering Andrew. I would highly recommend you attend the Andy Nutts Day at Crossfit Vancouver and either do the workout at 1 pm and/or learn about Crossfit at 11 am. After that, either party should be a lot of fun and who knows - perhaps the parties will merge into a single one if the stars align!
Note that getting a hero workout named after you is a HUGE honour and I can’t tell you how thrilled Drew would have been about it. Special thanks to Craig Patterson for putting in an awful lot of work to get this to happen.
So on Saturday (the day 31 years ago that brought Drew into the world and to all of us) if you are at any of these events or not, take a moment to think about a true Canadian hero and one of the best friend/son/brother/cousin/etc. that many of us have ever had, and quietly or loudly say to him and those around you, “God Bless Nutts”.