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Former Encryption Pioneer Analyzes the Danger of Nuclear Weapons

April 6th, 2008 Posted in Security

Hear no threat, see no threat, there must be no threat right?  Seriously people should be very aware of this…

“IEEE Spectrum reports that noted encryption pioneer Prof. Martin Hellman has a new passion; estimating the risk of our current nuclear weapons policies. His web site, Defusing the Nuclear Threat, asks the question, ‘How risky are nuclear weapons? Amazingly, no one seems to know.’ Hellman therefore did a preliminary analysis and found the risk to be ‘equivalent to having your home surrounded by thousands of nuclear power plants.’ The web site and a related statement therefore urgently call for more detailed studies to either confirm or correct his startling conclusion. The statement has been signed by seven notable individuals including former NSA Director Adm. Bobby R. Inman and two Nobel Laureates.”

(Slashdot article)

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